Monday 18 December 2023

Christmas Week 2023

It's Monday the 18th of December. I'm on the bus, looking out of the window and contemplating the end of the year. 

I'm not sure I want my life to be the same for another 365 days. 

Winter keeps me cooped up for far too long in it's dark damp corner. The bus hums through me, reminding me of how difficult change is. To what extent do I want to change my life?

I've done the meditation and gratitude route. What is my next one? Reigniting a blown out flame? Digging out the courage I know I have inside me? I've used a couple of those. How many more are left? It feels deeply buried in black freezing cold mud. 

Slowly growing it under a cold starry night with the sound of the ocean around me and the moon enveloping me seems a possible way. 


Wonder Woman XXX