Sunday 6 March 2022

You're a Hottie!

 That's what an ex told me after a date. He was the first guy I dated since my divorce. It was exciting, thrilling and fun.

One thing no one told me a few months into my 40th birthday was how single I was going to feel. How much of a failure I felt. And how having a midlife crises made my insides liquify into the deep layers of hell. 

The pandemic didn't help much either. 

All those societal pressures:

* Having a partner

*Having kids

*Having a successful career - whatever that means

*Having a home

All I ever wanted was to be myself. Why do I have to be serious to be a grown up? That never made any sense to me. So weird. Adulting can be scaring, but so can acting like who you're expected to be. F that. 

One of the worst things of getting older is the expectations of having kids. If you get the question as much as I do, you know exactly how it feels.

Having an unfulfilling 9 - 5 job fuelled the 'what the heck am I doing with my life' thoughts even more. To pull myself out of this, I go back to what I love. Writing. 

I'm going to leave you here on a not so blank page and fall into writing a spooky story for kids.

Have a super chilled Sunday. 💋