Monday 3 December 2018

Alice Isn't Dead

I have to tell ya, I loved this book as much as the podcast. Joseph Fink is ingenious. 😁

I started reading Alice Isn't Dead yesterday afternoon and finished it this evening. I loved Alice and Keisha's story. It was so human, real and deep. I loved Keisha's sassiness. Her anxiety is relatable, so is her grief.

The monsters are creepy and gross. I also found that the way he described when something is so obviously wrong and undiable, ignorance and a sideways glance may seem like a way to pretend that everything is okay.
In a hard world, there is nothing left but hope.
I feel like I've given away too much. You’ll love the book.

Sunday 23 September 2018

A Discovery of Witches S1 Ep.2

I watched the second episode of A Discovery of Witches last Friday at 9PM. Actually, I was watching the clock at 8:58PM impatiently waiting for it come on, refreshing the page every 30 seconds and getting over excited.

   Hamish was beyond whom I thought he would be. The wonderful clever and witty Hamish definitely came alive in full colour. With Matthew hunting, things escalated quickly.

   Juliette was beautiful, mad and dangerous. The sexiness and danger level has gone up this time! :) Peter Knox has become boulder in his search of Ashmole 782 and dangerous in recruiting Satu. The creatures started showing up in the library. They gave an ominous feel to the place. Look out for a pair of red boots. :')

   Diana's powers have come alive a lot more in this episode. I won't ruin it for you, you'll have to watch it.

   There is something that I noticed in the series, which I imagine will be in all the episodes. There's a lot of blueness in them. It's really lovely. There's a scene where Diana and Peter Knox are having tea, and the chairs have this lovely blue flowery silk patterns. I noticed this in her rooms, Matthew's rooms and in almost every shot. It's really beautiful.

   I'm going to leave it here for now.

Good Night. XXX

Thursday 13 September 2018

A Discovery of Witches Episode 1, 2.AM.

I watched the first episode of A Discovery of Witches Episode 1.  It was amazing! Highly recommend it!
I have been a big fan of The All Souls trilogy for a long time written by the magical Deborah Harkness.
The characters of Matthew and Diana had a tangible undercurrent between them. They were so vibing! 
The other characters were also enchanting. Wait till you meet the aunts. 
It was filmed in Oxford and the bodleian library. I've been to Oxford once and it's just as magical as it was then. Ashmore 782, we're coming for you! 
You can watch the first episode on Radio Times' website. The rest of the episodes will be on Sky One and Now TV. You’ll love it.

*I don't have the rights to the picture and it's not taken by me.

Sunday 19 August 2018

The Space Between

Sometimes, part of writing is not writing. I've recently realised that it's OK to not write every day, and not to write thousands of words each day. 
I've put so much pressure on myself on writing thousands of words a day, which has made me feel like a failure. Like I won't be a successful writer. 

Today, I am letting myself write as much as I want and can, and help my creativity flow. I'll try it and let you know how it goes. :)

I've taken a short break from writing Sisters Of The Moon. The pressure to write it as fast as Moth is heavy. Recently, I have realised that this book is different, even though it is the sequel to Moth. It feels different and is darker. I put so much pressure on myself to complete it that I didn't want to work on it. 

Today, I'll write a little bit and see how it goes. 

Wonder Woman XXX

Thursday 28 June 2018

Hard Writing Days

Sometimes I get a day that is long and tiresome. Especially after a challenging day at work, it feels so hard to write. 😥

I can get some writing done, but not the amount I really need to get done. So, with this writing challenge, it feels 10× harder. 😤

I've realised that as long as I keep writing every day, I will reach my goal sooner or later. Those hard writing days will catch up with me and I will get back on track again with the 2k word a day challenge. No one said writing was easy. 😂

I'm on a bus as hot an oven, but when I get home, I'll put some serious ink on those pages. 📝

I've been vlogging a little bit about my writing and will upload weekly on my wonderwomanvlogs channel. I'll catch up with you later. 😘

Wonder Woman XXX   💜

Tuesday 5 June 2018

A Resurrected Challenge

I decided to bring back an old challenge. To write 2000 words a day. Originally, it went well then I fell off the wagon and wrote less for reasons I couldn't remember.

So, I brought it back.  It's not easy, but doable. I started writing in a notebook with a purple pen, always purple. 😁

I already feel like it's going to be  a looong day. In a good way.

I'll catch up with you tomorrow.
Wonder Woman XXX

Tuesday 8 May 2018

The Girl Before

The Girl Before By JP Delaney is incredibly addictive. I couldn't put it down.

Jane finds a house that is so high tech and minimal that she feels that it's the perfect place for a fresh start, but has to abide by a strict list of rules.

She discovers that the previous tenant, Emma died in a suspicious way. She starts to look into it and the charismatic architect Edward.

I read it in three days, and you might too.

Wonder Woman XXX


This weekend was my birthday. It felt strange to be this age when I felt much younger. At first, I freaked out. Then, I realised that there's no going back. Not that I wanted to anyway. I've come a long way to be right where I belonged.

I set myself a challenge to finish writing Sisters Of The Moon and to read as many books as I can in the month of May.

I've also deleted Facebook.  Shock! Horror! Hahaha! 😂😂😂 I never thought I'd do that, ever. There were people and friends, and people I sort of knew. Since the Cambridge Analytica scandal, I became concerned about security and privacy. I felt uneasy about it. At the beginning, I changed my password but my old password wouldn't work. So I changed it and deleted Facebook. That night, I slept so well and woke up refreshed. My attention wasn't taken up so much by my friends' posts, comments and tags, not that I didn't like them. 😊 I felt freer and I focused on improving my habits.

Anyway, I hope you are all doing well and are living your best lives.

Wonder Woman XXX

Monday 9 April 2018

Just Don't Fall

I am totally humbled by Josh Sundquist's book Just Don't Fall. I finished reading it within three days and couldn't put it down, and now I can't forget about it. Going through cancer and an amputation when he was nine years old must have been so tough for his whole family. You can read about his journey in the book. Then the courage he found to go on and inspire so many people is beyond admirable. It's almost heroic.

Josh is also funny, very honest and beautiful. His Paralympic relentlessness and passion made me look at my own writing goals under a close microscope. If he could achieve all that he did, so can I.

One more thing, Josh is also a motivational speaker and a funny man. Subscribe to his YouTube Channel!

I highly recommend this book. You'll be obsessed with it. :)


Wonder Woman XXX

Sunday 25 February 2018

The Ultimate Villains Of All Time

   When I saw the cover of Empire Magazine, I had to get it. I had to read about the greatest villains ever!

   How cool is this cover? 😎

   I turned to page 66 and loved the article comparing who the best villain is when it came to Vader VS Ren.

   Those light sabers made me want one too!

   When it comes to Darth Vader and Kylo Ren, I think Darth Vader wins every time. He has creepy heavy breathing sounds, covers his face with a cool mask and his lines are epic. Here are some of them.

   "I am your father."
   "We would be honoured if you would join us."
   "In time, you will call me master."
   "I find your lack of faith disturbing."
   "I have you now."

   As black-clad as Vader, Ren is more powerful and menacing than Vader. He's unpredictable and irrational but he has a sense of humanness under all that evil, like a boy acting out when he doesn't get what he wants. I think what makes him more vulnerable is when he takes off his mask. His eyes tell what's beneath all that blackness.

   The creepier Joker by far is Heath Ledger. He gets under my skin just by that look and that smile. He did such a great job that a whole generation of kids will never be the same. Although Jack Nicholson first played him, it was great. If you compare the two, Ledger far out played Jack and even Jared Leto in the Suicide Squad.
“My Precioussss!
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
   Who doesn't love Gollum? There are so many precious moments when it comes to Gollum, the hobbits and the rings. One of the moments is when he kills rabbits for his new master Frodo and argues with Samwise on how best to serve them.
-The Two Towers (2002)
   Another moment that stands out is when Gollum gets the first ring by murdering his cousin Deagol during a birthday fishing trip. That rugby tackle was epic, but the way he acted and when he looked away, was as if the ring made him do it to survive.
-The Return Of The King (2003)
   One more moment was his doom. After recently getting the ring, Gollum falls into the burning hell of Mount Doom, and by doing that destroying Sauron.
-The Return Of The King (2003)
   One of the most badass modern villains is T-1000. The way his arm transforms into a silver spike will make any person run for their lives. He appeared in Terminator 2: Judgement Day and hunts down John Connor. You can read more about Patrick's career transformation on page 72.
    I have to say for the record that Alan Rickman is the ultimate actor to play a villain. He was the main antagonist in Die Hard. A German villain intending on stealing $640 million in bonds, he strikes fear in the way he stands still. In Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, he was the Sherriff of Nottingham. He was funny, bold and not afraid to swing a sword. Here is a hilarious quote.
   Sherriff of Nottingham: "I'll cut your heart out with a spoon."
   Robin Hood: "Then it begins."
   One of his best roles, and that's from my opinion is Professor Snape. How can you not love the greasy hair, the sneers and epic quotes?
   "I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly shimmering cauldron with it's shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses ... "   
-Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
   Staying on the subject of Harry Potter, my number one villain of all time is Lord Voldemort. I mean who can find such powerful magic, except for Dumbledore? He lived on and on in ways that defied our expectations.
      The Halloween movies were such classic hits every autumn. Not matter how creepy Mike Myers was, Freddy Krueger scared me the most. The Nightmare on Elm Street series were epic in their own way. How one man scared so many generation of teenagers from falling asleep is unrivalled. He's definitely a true villain.
Finally, the top 20 villains of all time are:
20. Michael Myers
19. The T-1000
18. Freddy Krueger
17. Agent Smith
16. Norman Bates
15. Palpatine
14. The Sherriff of Nottingham
13. Nurse Ratched
12. Sauron
11. Gollum
10. The Alien
9. Voldemort
8. Anton Chigurh
7. Kylo Ren
6. Hans Landa
5. Hannibal Lecter
4. Hans Gruber
3. Loki
2. The Joker
1. Darth Vader
Who's your favourite villain?

Saturday 6 January 2018

The Best Paranormal Podcasts

Hello! I hope you've all had a great Christmas and amazing New Year. 😊
I wanted to share with you my favourite paranormal podcasts. There are many paranormal podcasts out there, but there are a handful of them that I keep going back to for more.

1. The Paranormal Podcast is a weekly podcast on which Jim has a couple of guests talking about various subjects such as contacting the dead by a medium or astrology for the new year. You can listen to this show on Jim Harold's Spooky Studio which you can download from your app store.

2. The Campfire is a weekly show where a listener calls in to share his or her ghost stories, strange experiences or contact from the dead.
You can listen to this show for free on Jim Harold's Spooky Studio which you can download from your app store. Jim's warm and friendly personality will get you hooked.

3. The Mysterious Universe Podcast is a weekly Australian show that covers the strange, extraordinary, weird, wonderful and everything in between. While the hosts maintain a healthy scepticism, they are funny and always create a great show.

4. The Big Séance Podcast is fortnightly show about all things paranormal especially subjects like ghosts and hauntings, paranormal research, spirit communications, mediums and psychics, and life after death. Patrick Keller has a warm inviting personality and will invite you into his parlour for tea every time you hit play.

5. Lore is an award winning and critically acclaimed podcast about scary true life stories. Lore dives deep into the darker side of history, of the true tales behind all those myths. As Aaron says, "because the truth is more frightening than fiction".
You'll love this campfire style podcast and will get hooked onto those nightmarish tales. There is also a TV series based on the stories told on Lore on Amazon Prime called Lore. It's amazing.
The World of Lore Monstrous Creatures is a book based on Lore's stories by Aaron Mahnke, host of the show. I'm reading the book right now and will let you know what I think about it.

This is my list of must listen paranormal podcasts. If you want more, I have another post where I share my 10 favourite podcasts. Let me know your favourites and any recommendations.

Good Night. XOXO