Thursday 30 June 2016


When I tell someone that I write fantasy books, the person sighs and says that they wish they could write a book.

The conversation continues to how they wish they could finish writing a story and how they used to write when they were kids.

I always say that no matter what they're writing, it is possible to finish it. It is possible to finish writing a book. When I give advise, it is ignored as the 'I don't have time' and 'I wish I could be as creative as you' comments continue.

If you are reading this and want to write or finish writing a book, you will make it a priority. It's easy when you break down a certain number of words or write a page a day. After all, most writers started off writing books while holding down a full time job.

The Time When It Was About Goals And Affirmations

Monday 27 June 2016


When I turned 10, an explosion of poetry came out of me. I don't know what happened. I couldn't stop writing the damn things. It was like a volcano. I filled notebook after notebook. It was fun but also made me look like a freak. Some time later, I started writing short stories. I couldn't stop creating.

Writing wasn't the only thing I loved. I started painting and drawing. I couldn't get enough of it. I went through the starving artist faze and studied Fine Arts too. I loved English literature as much as any day dreaming writer did.

From there, fast forward to a few years ago when I started writing longer stories, songs and more poems. There was a point where I didn't know what to do with myself. I stopped writing for a while but kept writing poems and songs.

There was a weird day at work when I had this idea for a book. I started scribbling things down during my lunch break. When I was back at work again, it was all I was thinking about. When I got home, I cracked open my laptop and started writing the first chapter of my first book. The more I wrote, the more the story unfurled. I wanted to have some element of reality as well as fantasy.

There was a point during the journey when I realised that I was a writer. I was a writer. This is it. It hit me. Shit, no one is going to take me seriously. Everyone is going to hate my book. There was no way I was going support myself as a writer.

These were my old thoughts, my old beliefs. People might tell you exactly what I said before. Ignore them. Keep writing. Finish that damn book and write another one. Passion will keep you going. You know you love it.

I'm still writing now. I still love it. I still write poems and songs. Who cares in what form you write. Remember your passion. It will follow you to your grave. Regret never made anyone into anything.
Never give up.

Remember, passion will get you through.

Good night! xxx  :)

The Time When It Was Epic

Sunday 26 June 2016

The Time When I Showed You The Lanes

Starting Out As A Writer Part 2

Starting off as a writer is one of the hardest things, come to think of it. Writers aren't taken as seriously as other jobs. When I was an artist, I'd get the same expression when I said I was a writer; surprise, then a 'you'll never make money as an artist/writer look' and finally a glazed over look.

Although, since JK Rowling had success with Harry Potter, the glazed over look turned into 'oh well, you never know' look. At that point, instead of adopting an F U look, I smile back with a 'DAMN RIGHT' look. Works every time.

As a fiction writer, it all takes a turn for the worst. When asked, 'what kind of writing do you do?'
I reply, 'fiction'.
Here it comes wait for it.
'oh ... what kind of fiction?'
I can see the flash of lightening, hear thunder clapping, as suddenly as it went, it's back. The glazed over look.

Now I'm ever more compared to a non-fiction writer. Apparently, they do really well, sell books, make money, have, wait for it, 'VALUE'.

If you think non-fiction writing is the only type of writing that has value, think again. Since I began reading Neil Gaiman's books, I have discovered how many lives have been saved just from reading his books. The hope they have instilled in his readers, including me. That it's possible to do what I love and make a living out of it. Everything is impossible until it has been proven possible. Now this takes me to Alice Through The Looking Glass. There is so much in this film than the story or the movie seems to have on the surface. Time portrayed as a man and time travelling to save the Mad  Hatter's family. I won't spoilt it any further if you haven't watched it. It has so many layers to it that it left me awe struck. Fiction digs deeper and pulls at your insides more that non-fiction does. That is my opinion, I'm stating it here.

I found an interesting article about fiction.

Here is Neil Gaiman's edited lecture for the Reading Agency.

I hope you've enjoyed this blog.

Good Night :) xxx

Thursday 23 June 2016

The Time When I Caught The Thunder

Starting Out As A Writer Part 1

When I first started writing my first book, I couldn't stop. It just flowed out and I kept writing until I finished it. After editing, I started pitching to agents and publishers. Getting rejected can be one of the hardest things. At the beginning, I was excited about the rejection e-mails. Why, you're probably asking, was I excited about rejection e-mails?

Well, one of them had to be an acceptance e-mail. One of the 22 e-mails had to say yes. No one said yes, but they were positive rejections. I was mildly surprised. After trying for a while, I decided to self-publish it. I edited again and published it on Amazon  through Kindle Direct Publishing. At the beginning there was some traction and then a few sales. A few months later, the excitement was over and the sales dropped. For a coule of years, there were hardly any sales. It was very discouraging, and soul destroying. I didn't stop, I couldn't stop writing. I had to carry on.

It was an odd day when I had the idea of my second book. It came to me at work on a day when I felt like writing a dark story. When I went on my lunch break, I had to write down the ideas in my head. I started getting really excited about it and couldn't get it out of my head. When I got  home, I dreamt of the story I had to write. That was the start of the second book.

In the second part of this blog, I'll continue my story as a writer.

Good Night xxx :)

Personal Space

I find as a writer that the place I write is my personal space. I tried a couple of times to write in Starbucks and Costa. That was a fail, to some degree. I wanted to see if I could write in a public space. I don't like it. It feels intrusive and awkward.

When I write, I like to write in a space where I feel safe. I like to write in a space that I can control and where I can be myself. I guess that's the curse of the introvert.

I write best in my bedroom on my bed with my notebook and pen beside me. I don't know if anyone else writes this way. I'm going to try to write in public spaces again and see how I do. May be I'll create some sort of a challenge to find a public space that I find safe enough to let my imagination loose.

I'll try to write in a different place once a week and let you know how I get on.

Good Night. xxx :)

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Hearts and Feelings

   During my singing lesson, I was talking to my coach about one of  the characters in the book called Eva. I've mentioned her a lot as I've been working on her for a long time. I was telling her that Eva's heart was pulled out when she was staked at Richmond Park. The wolves who attacked her ate the rest of her heart while she lay on the snow watching it fall. When the wolves ran off, she just lay there recovering from the gaping wound in her chest feeling numb and lifeless.

   I found this interesting article about the heart and the sense of familiarity.

   We started talking about feelings and the heart, how they are linked together as well as the brain. I found it fascinating. I know exactly where to take Eva on her journey now. I won't tell you anymore. You'll just have to wait until I finish the book.

   I'm creeping up to 5,000 word now. I like to give myself small targets to get me where I want to go quicker than bigger ones. Bigger target always seem overwhelming to begin with until you start breaking them down. As I write, I keep creating these small targets until I reach the main target. I usually write a bit more than that because I find that psychologically, it tricks me into thinking I'm nearly there. I guess this is one tip into how to write a book.

  It's a short one today. I'll catch up with you tomorrow. xxx :)

The Forest Walkers

The Time When I Became A Forest Walker

Monday 20 June 2016

Every Day

   Recently I've been reading a book called The House On Cold Hill by Peter James. It's about a family that move from Brighton and Hove ( where I live  and love that it is set in the area more or less ) into the Sussex countryside. Strange and odd things start to happen in the house and to them.
   I've read a few chapters and it's pretty good! When I finished the book, I'll let you know what I think of it.


   This is what happens when you start writing and what you must keep doing.

   The moment I told a friend of mine that I've been writing, every day I get asked about it. Every day I'm expected to update my friends on 'how is it going?', 'what happened next?' and 'oh well, you'll be published some day.'
   Or 'when are we going to see your books in the shops?', 'you'll be famous some day!' and 'how many books have you sold?'.
   They are usually said in various tones of curiosity, intrigue and believe it or not, antagonism. No matter what anyone says or what they seem to say between the lines, you have to write every day.
I try to follow my own advice. There are time for whatever reason, I haven't written for a day or two, I feel odd, weird and out of whack. So I keep reminding myself how important it is to keep writing every day. It doesn't matter how many words you write, just write. Like Nike say, Just Do It.

The Time When I Updated You On My Blog

Saturday 18 June 2016

The Moon Chronicles

Hello everyone!

So much has happened and I need to let you in.

I'm well into writing the sequel to Moth. It's called The Sisters Of The Moon. It follows on directly after the big fight scene at the end of Moth. One of the things I'm writing about is Eva. As you know from the first book, Eva was one of the main characters in Moth. In the second book, something happens to her and she starts to turn into a different version of herself. I won't tell you much because I don't want to give anything away. She's been giving me some trouble so I started writing in a notebook instead of on my laptop. This is helping. I will show you what my new notebook looks like.

It looks so cool! :)

I love to write in smooth unruled pages. I started writing with a purple gel pen which is really cool and smooth on the creamy paper. I'm still working on Eva and will update you on her current unsettled status.

I'm loving the name of the series. The Moon Chronicles. It really sticks in people's heads; I've been experimenting on my friends to see if they like it or remember it. They do. :)

On my birthday, I decided to vlog everyday for a whole year. It's a scary challenge but I decided that I was going to do it no matter what. So I kept going and today it would be vlog 4o. A significant number. 

Towards the end of last year I started the James Patterson Writing Masterclass. I'm not sure if I blogged about it then. There was a period of time when I forgot that I even had it. So I continued on and so far it's pretty good!

In the picture above is what I use to write and vlog. A Sony H300 DSLR is what I use to vlog when I'm in-doors or create separate videos. The Sony headphones are the best headphones I've ever used. I've had them for about a couple of years and they still work well. They are the longest running headphones I've ever had. Good one Sony! :) I write and edit my videos on the HP laptop, as well as do research, etc. I use the fruit notebook to scribble notes or ideas I have while writing. It's a life saver. The book Honeymoon by James Patterson is part of the masterclass. I've read about half of it. It's better than I thought it was. I need my glasses to see when I'm not wearing my contact lenses and the pen is for writing in the notebook.

Recently I purchased Neil Gaiman's new book Views From The Cheap Seats. I read the first chapter. Jesus it's good! I'll update you when I've read more.

My friends Dre and Jon started a podcast called Voices In The Dark. You have to check it out! It's really good! I bet you'll be addicted to it. They have released three episodes. In this series they talk about Robert Greene's 48 Laws Of Power. The link is the first one below.

I think I've updated you so far.
Have a great day! xxx :)

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The Time When I Got Some Mojo